Athos sent for D'Artagnan as soon as they reached their quarters.
Athos considered it unsafe to talk freely where they were. So they decided to take an early breakfast at the village inn and seek privacy there. Athos refused to say one word to D'Artagnan until they reached a place where they could speak without being overheard and where their meeting would appear natural.
Unfortunately for them the inn proved to be unsuitable for private conversation. Guardsmen, Musketeers and soldiers of other regiments continually called in for refreshments. They therefore gave up all idea of private discussion for the time being and joined in the general conversation.
Talk was chiefly about the previous day's attack on the bastion. The Rochelle troops had been driven out, but the King's soldiers had not remained in occupation owing to the danger that the walls might fall.
"Gentlemen," said Athos to four Guards officers, "I have a bet to make. I will bet that my three companions and I will take breakfast in the bastion. We will remain there an hour by the watch in spite of anything the enemy may do to force us to leave."
Porthos and Aramis looked at each other with a knowing look.
"I'll take it," said M. de Busigny, one of the officers, "so let us fix the stake."
"You are four gentlemen," said Athos, "and we are four, so let it be a dinner at eight o'clock here. Will that do?"
The four officers agreed instantly.
Athos called his man, Grimaud, and pointed to a large basket in the corner.
The man understood that he was to pack up the breakfast the innkeeper had just brought, and then the four friends, followed by Grimaud with the basket, set out for the bastion.
When they had left the camp D'Artagnan turned to Athos and said, "Tell me, Athos, where are we going?"
"Why, you can plainly see that we are going to the bastion."
"Yes, but what are we going to do there?"
"Take breakfast."
"Why didn't we breakfast at the inn? You are so mysterious this morning," said D'Artagnan, somewhat annoyed.
"We have very important things to discuss," said Athos, "and it was impossible to talk two minutes at the inn without being interrupted. In the bastion we shall at least be able to speak freely."
"It seems to me that we could have found some quiet spot in the fields or along the sea-shore," said D'Artagnan.
"The four of us would have been noticed at once," said Athos, "and in fifteen minutes the Cardinal would have been informed by his spies that we were holding council.
"We have made a bet and I defy anybody but ourselves to guess the true purpose of it," said Athos. "In order to win the wager we are going to remain a full hour in the bastion. Whether we are attacked or not does not matter. We shall have time to talk and I'm certain that those walls have no ears. If we are attacked, we can still talk of our affairs. Moreover, in defending ourselves, we cover ourselves with glory. So you see, everything is to our advantage."
"Yes," said D'Artagnan, "but we shall certainly attract the enemy's musket balls."
"Most likely," said Athos, "but you know as well as I do that the balls to be most dreaded do not always come from the enemy."
"Surely we should have armed ourselves for such a serious business," said Porthos.
"That would have been a useless burden," said Athos. "Have you forgotten what D'Artagnan told us of the attack yesterday?"
"What did he say?" asked Porthos sharply.
"In the attack yesterday eight or ten soldiers and as many Rochelle men were killed in the bastion," said Athos.
"They have not been buried and neither have their weapons been collected," answered Athos, "so we shall find their muskets and their powder and shot."
Just then they reached the bastion. Turning round,' the four saw at least three hundred soldiers in small groups along the boundary of the camp. In a separate group they distinguished M. de Busigny and his three friends.
Athos took off his hat, and placing it on the end of his sword, waved it in the air.
As they entered the bastion, the four could hear the distant shouts of the soldiers.